Friday, December 19, 2008

Sinus and Ear Pain Update

   Hey there everyone! How are all of you doing today?  I'm doing pretty good.  I've been wanting to write this blog for a while now and I thought today would be a good day to write it.  For the past couple of years I've been having sinus infections every 3 months.  So, I get chronic sinus infections.  I use to get chronic tonsillitis and I got my tonsils taken out. But, I can't get my sinuses out because you definitely need those.  Well, I would go see my doctor about my sinus infections and he would give me antibiotics to take.  The medicine would help but I would be sick again in another 3 months.  Well, at the end of March my ears started to bother me.  They would hurt really bad plus they would throb.  So, I went in to see my doctor and he can me antibiotics to take for it.  The antibiotics did not help my ears that much.  So, I would go see the doctor for my ear pain every 2 months or so.  After a while I decided if I should go see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor or go see an Allergist.  
     In 2007 I saw an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor about my sinuses and I got a cat scan done. I found out that I have a cyst in my sinuses on the left.  My Ear, Nose and Throat doctor said that I didn't need to get it removed and that he recommended me to go see an Allergist.  So, a few months ago I decided to go see an Allergist.  I got an allergy test done while I was there.  I got an allergy test done when I was a senior in high school.  I found out back then that I was allergic to dogs, weeds, dust, smoke and a few other things.  I thought that I was allergic to diary products but I found out back then that I am lactose intolerant.  So, when I took the new test I  found out that I am only allergic to this kind of grass and a couple of different kind of trees.  When, I talked with the allergist he didn't know what was wrong with me.  So, he gave me some different kinds of nose sprays to take.  And he recommended me to go see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.  Isn't that just dandy?
     So, I made an appointment to go see a new Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.  He said that it could be my teeth that are bothering me or it could be something else.  He thought I had an impounded molar or an infection in my teeth.  So, he recommended me to go see a dentist.  So, a few days later I made an appointment with a dentist.  The dentist checked my upper teeth the ones that were hurting and he said that I didn't have any cavities and said that it's my sinuses and not my teeth.  So, I went back to my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor on Tuesday Dec. 16Th to talk with him about my stupid ear pain. So, when I was at my appointment on Tuesday I got a scan done on my sinuses.  After I got that done I talked with my doctor.  He said that I didn't have a sinus infection and that by ear pain is caused by my jaw.  He recommended me to wear a mouth guard at night.  And to wear it around the house if I'm not going anywhere that day.  Plus, I need to wear it for a month.  And he wants me to take 4 ibuprofen every 6 hours for a month as well.  So, I finally know what's been bugging me and I know how to hopefully fix it.  I will let all of you know after my next doctors appointment if my ear pain finally goes away.  Take care of yourselves and have a great rest of the week!!!  Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Books that I am reading right now

Hey there everyone! How are all of you doing today? I'm doing pretty good but I have a headache right now.  I'm dog sitting and baby sitting for my aunt Rachelle right now.  My aunt, my uncle and my cousin Tanner are in Austrailia  right now picking up their son Brady from his LDS Mission.  I'm here at their house dog sitting their dog Sherlock and baby sitting their son Dylan who is 9 years old.  I've been here since Dec. 8th and I'll be going home either on the 19th or on the 20th.  They will be coming home on the 22nd and their daughter Kaitlin will be picking them up from the airport.  If you need to get a hold of me just give me a call on my cell phone or e-mail me.  If you want to get together for exchanging Christmas presents this year we can get together at my aunt Rachelle's house. 
    I am reading two books right now.  The first book I'm reading is called "Child of the Prophecy" by Juliet Marillier.  It's the 3rd book in the trilogy.  The trilogy is called The Sevenwaters Trilogy.  My friend Becca got me hooked on these books.  I'm not really big into fantasy books but these books are amazing.  They glue me in.  I just found out that she has a new book out called "Heir to Sevenwaters".  I want to get that book really bad.  The second book that I am reading is called: "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.  He is an amazing author.  I started reading the book last Tuesday and I'm almost halfway done with the book.  I love books that are intense.  I can't wait until the movie "Angels and Demons" comes out.  After I'm done reading "Angels and Demons" I'm going to read "The Da Vinci Code".  I saw the movie when it came out and it was really good.  I really don't mind when they turn books into movies because I like them both.  Especially, when they turned "The Princess Bride" into a movie.  I saw the movie first and then read the book later and I love them both.  Well, I better be going now.  Take care and have a great rest of the week!!!  Have a great weekend!!!