Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Thanks to the Soldiers, here and gone. I appreciate your service to our country. I appreciate you! In memory to all the men and women who have kept us safe.
Thank you to the fallen heroes that gave up their tomorrows so that I can have mine.
Freedom is a gift unseen bought and paid for by men and women who gave their all so that all of us might enjoy it's blessings.Today we remember their sacrifice. Happy Memorial Day to all my family and friends!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday to my brother Tyler!!!

Today is my brother Tyler's 40th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Tyler! I hope you have a great birthday today and I love you very much. Today I am home sick in bed with I think another damn sinus infection. Tomorrow I'll be calling my doctor or one of my Ears Nose and Throat doctors to make an appointment. Take care and have a great rest of the weekend my friends.