Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What lies behind your eyes?

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?


You are carefree. You love everything and everyone. You may or may not have had some hardships in your life, but you're a better person for it. Your friends love you, and you always know to do the right thing. People come to you and know you as the most peaceful person they know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What color rose are you?

Tierny got White Rose.You're a loyal person through and through. People can go to you for advice on almost anything. You're innocent and charming.

What color is your soul?

What color is your soul?

Blue- The Caring Soul

You'll go out of your way to help a stranger, and to do almost anything for a friend despite the personal cost. You need to be loved, appreciated, and accepted by others. You'll reveal your faults so others understand you more. You are easily heartbroken, but not the type to be betrayed. You always get revenge. Red souls either find you annoying, or befriend you. White souls open up to you easily. Yellow souls may disappoint you, valuing fun more than friendship. Other blue souls will care for you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love Pictures, Images and Photos

I finally watched the movie Eat Pray Love tonight. It was pretty dang good. I started watching it for the first time a couple of months ago but I didn't finish it. So I finally started to watch it last night but fell asleep during the middle of it. So tonight I finished watching it. Now, I need to finish reading the book Eat Pray Love.  I started to read the book a few months ago and I need to start reading it again.  I have 5 books on my bed that I need to finish reading. Eat Pray Love is the first out of the five books that I need to finish reading. After I finish reading it I will let all of you know how I liked it. Well, I better let all of you go now. Take care and have a great weekend!!!