Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bucket List :)

Bucket List - please play along. You'll be surprised at the responses. Put an ♡ if you have done it.

Been Married
Been divorced
Fell in love
Gone on a blind date

Skipped school

Watched someone give birth
Watched someone die

Been to Canada
Ridden in an ambulance
Been to Hawaii

Been to Europe
Been to Las Vegas

Been to Washington D.C
Been to Nashville

Visited Florida
Visited Mexico
Seen the Grand Canyon in person

️Flown in a helicopter
Been on a cruise
Served on a jury
Been in a movie

Danced in the rain

Been to Los Angeles

Been to New York City
Played in a band

Sang karaoke
Laughed so much you cried

Laughed so hard you pee'd

Caught a snowflake on your tongue

Had children
Had a pet(s)

Been sledding on big hill

Been downhill skiing

Been water skiing

Rode on a motorcycle

Traveled to all 50 state
Jumped out of a plane
Been to a drive-in movie

Rode an elephant

Rode a Horse

Been on TV

Been in the newspaper

Stayed in the Hospital

Donated blood

Gotten a piercing

Gotten a tattoo
Driven a stick shift vehicle

Been scuba diving
Lived on your own
Rode in the back of police car
Got a speeding ticket

Broken a bone

Gotten stitches

Traveled Alone

Hold your finger down and select copy... Then go into status and hold down finger and select paste!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Fess Up Challenge

The Fess Up Challenge🙌👩👅💋👐

💖Bath or shower? Both
💖Straight or curly hair? Straight
💖Favorite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas
💖Favorite holiday? Halloween and Christmas
💖Android or iPhone? Android
💖Texting or calling? Both
💖Facebook or twitter? Facebook
💖Favorite type of food? Teriyaki Chicken and BBQ Chicken
💖Dream job? Main photographer for Disney
💖Favorite pizza? BBQ Chicken
💖Favorite cake? White Cake Batter
💖Night or day? Night
💖Summer or winter? Summer
💖Wine or whiskey? Cape Cods
💖Makeup or no makeup? Makeup
💖Favorite TV show? Once Upon a Time and The Walking Dead
💖Hair up or down? Short pixie hair
💖Jeans or leggings? Jeans
💖Painted or unpainted nails? Painted
💖Favorite color? Purple and Black
💖T-shirt or dress shirt? Tee shirt
💖Flip flops or sneakers? Sandals and Sneakers
💖Big purse or small? Big
💖How many tattoos? 0
💖How many piercings? 2
💖Diamonds or pearls? Both
💖Favorite animal? Tiger
💖Rap or country music? I hate them both!!! I only listen to Rock N Roll :)

💖Fess up ladies!!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Scattergories Game

It's harder than you think...No using Google!!!! Every answer must start with the last letter of your previous answer. It's fun...Who doesn't love a game of Scattergories? Come on! Try it!!!

Name - Tierny
Animal - Yak
Girls name - Kirstie
Color - Eggplant
Movie - Toys
Something you wear - Shoes
Drink - Strawberry Lemonade
Food - Edamame
Item in the bathroom - Ear drops
Place - San Diego
Reason to be late - Out of gas

Now Copy & paste to your timeline, then make your changes