Saturday, February 21, 2009

What I did for my 31st Birthday

Hey there everyone! How are all of you doing? I'm doing pretty good except I'm having an allergy attack right now. I'm spending the night at my brothers work Ride Away Auto Sales in Sunset with my dad. Tomorrow we are going to Antelope Island to take pictures. I just wanted to let all of you know how I spent my 31st birthday.

On Tuesday Feb. 10th my friend Julianne, Jessica and I went and saw the musical Beauty and the Beast at Woodscross High School. Julianne bought my ticket because that was my birthday present from her. The musical was awesome and they did an amazing job. It was my second time seeing the musical. The first time I saw it was at Capital Theater a couple of years ago. After the musical we went out to dinner at Village Inn. Thanks Julianne for my awesome birthday present! I had a blast!!!

Beauty and the Beast poster Pictures, Images and Photos

On Wednesday Feb. 11th (my 31st Birthday) I went and got a massage. My appointment was at 12:45pm. I got my massage done at Evolution Therapy by Lyndsey Holm. She did an amazing job. It hurt some but it was well worth it. After my massage I went and got a pedicure done at Dream Nails. I also got my hand nails filed and painted. The pedicure I got done was amazing. After the pedicure I came home and relaxed for a little while. Then, I went out to dinner at Bonzi's with my mom, my brother and my nieces Rylee and Alyssa. After dinner we came home and had cheesecake and ice cream. Then, I went to Hollywood Video and rented some movies. The movies I rented were: The House Bunny, The Secret Lives of Bees and Nights in Rodanthe. Then, I came home and my mom and I watched The House Bunny.

A Good Massage Pictures, Images and Photos

pedicure Pictures, Images and Photos

On Thursday Feb. 12th I went out to lunch with my cousin Amber at Zupa's in South Jordan. My present from Amber was that she paid for lunch. It was good to get together with my cousin Amber and to catch up on what we have been up to lately. Thanks Amber for my yummy birthday present. After lunch I went to Wal-mart and bought me the movie Enchanted from a gift card that I got for my birthday from my cousin Kassidy. After Wal-mart I went to Echelon Edge and got my haircut, styled and dyed. I really like my new haircut and color. After that I came home and relaxed for a little while. Then, in the evening my mom and I went and saw and double feature. We saw Bride Wars at 10:00pm and then saw Confessions of a Shopaloic at midnight. They were both really good movies. Bride Wars was my second time seeing it.

bridewars Pictures, Images and Photos

Confessions of a Shopaholic Movies Pictures, Images and Photos

On Friday Feb. 13th I went out to lunch with my friend Mandi at Rumbi's Island Grill. While we were there we saw my cousin Branigan. My present from Mandi was lunch at Rumbi's. Thanks Mandi for the yummy birthday present. After lunch and did some errands. Then, I went out to dinner at Sweet Tomoatoes with my friends Candice and Bryant. They paid for my dinner and that was my birthday present. Thanks Candice and Bryant for my yummy birthday present. After dinner I came home for a little while. Then, I went over to my friend Becca's house to hang out for a little while.

SWEET TOMATOES Pictures, Images and Photos

On Saturday Feb. 14th I celebrated my birthday and valentine's day with my dad. I went to my brothers work that day at Ride Away Auto Sales. I got peach roses from my dad for Valentine's Day and got a memory fome pillow, gift card to itunes and money. Later that night we all went out to dinner at Ruby River's in Odgen. Then, I drove home in that snow storm we had earlier that day.

yellow roses Pictures, Images and Photos

On Monday Feb. 16th my friends Cristy and Luiz and their two kids Caton and Danika took me to the movies. We saw He's just not that into you for my birthday present. It was a really good movie. It made Cristy and I laugh our heads off. After the movie we went out to dinner at Red Robin. Then, we went to Wal-mart to get a few things. Then, we went over to their house and played games. Luiz's nephew and his girlfriend also came to the movies, out to dinner and to Wal-Mart with us. They also played games with us at the house. We played Scatergories and Fact or Crap. I had a blast!!! Thanks Cristy for taking me to go see a movie for my birthday present.

red robin Pictures, Images and Photos

Scattergories Pictures, Images and Photos

Well, I better be going now. It's getting late and I should better get ready for bed. Take care of yourselves and have a great rest of the weekend!!! Have a great new week!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Song That Goes Like This

1. Put your music library on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough.
4. Ok, go!
5. When you're done, tag 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this.

1) IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OK?" YOU SAY? Utopia by Goldfrapp

2) WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? The Best is Yet to Come by Frank Sinatra

3) WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? There For You by Flyleaf

4) HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? 7 Shades of Black by The Smashing Pumpkins

5) WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Posse Bonus by Tori Amos

6) WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Muhammad My Friend by Tori Amos

7) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS? Unlove You by Shedaisy

8) WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Real World by Matchbox Twenty

9) WHAT IS 2+2? If I Fell by The Beatles

10) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Remember When by LeAnn Rimes

11) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane

12) WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Fingerprints by Katy Perry

13) WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Spamalot

14) WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Sacrifice by Theory of a Deadman

15) WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Baker Baker by Tori Amos

16) WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Take a Chance on Me by Mamma Mia!

17) WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? A Million Pieces by Emmy Rossum

18) WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Its a Small World by Disneyland

19) WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? 1,000 Oceans by Tori Amos

20) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? The Contest by Sweeney Todd

21) WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? The Song that Goes Like This by Spamalot

Sunday, February 1, 2009

43 ODD Things About Me

43 ODD Things about you! Learn 43 things about your friends, and let them learn a few things they may not have known about you!

1.Do you like blue cheese? NO
2. What is your favorite T.V.shows? Monk, America's Next Top Model, Clean House, Clean House Comes Clean, Jon and Kate Plus 8, ICarly, Law and Order:SVU
3.Do you own a gun? No
4.What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Grape
5.Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not usually
6.What do you think of hot dogs? I like to eat them
7.Favorite Christmas movie? Scrooge, A Christmas Story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone
8.What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Diet Coke Lime or Orange Juice
9.Can you do push ups? I think I can
10.What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My watch, my necklaces and my high school ring
11.Favorite hobby? Photography, playing the flute, scrapbooking
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Yes
13. What's your weight? I'm not telling.But I am loosing weight
14.Middle name: Lyn15.Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? Why am I sick again, I need to get ready for bed, I need to take some medicine
16.Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Diet Coke Lime, Water and Soy Milk
17.Current worry? Having no money
18.Current hate right now? Being sick and having no money
19.Favorite place to be? Disneyland, Park City, my family's cabin and Hawaii
21.Where would you like to go? Ireland, Italy, England, France and Hawaii
22. Name three people who will complete this.I have no idea
23.Do you own slippers? Yes, I own a few pairs of slippers
24.What color shirt are you wearing right now? Black
25.Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Haven't tried that before
26.Can you whistle? Nope
27.Favorite color? Purple, silver, jade, mauve, mint green, maroon, gray and black
28. Would you be a pirate? Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Pirates Life for me.
29.What songs do you sing in the shower? I listen to cd's while I am in the shower
30.Favorite Girl's name(s)? Jennifer Jayne, Elora Danan, Hunter Chase, Tenly, Brooklyn, Kennedy, Regan
31.Favorite boy's name(s)? Hayden, Brayden, Joshua, Tristan, Tori
32.What's in your pocket? Nothing
33.Last thing that made you laugh? My nieces tonight
34.Worst injury you've ever had as a child? I broke my left arm when I was 5 years old
36. Do you love where you live? No I don't. Because I hate my neighbors who live across the street from me. I want to move as far away as possible from them.
37.How many TVs do you have in the house? 7
38.Who is your loudest friend? I think we're all equally loud
39. How many dogs do you have? None. But I want a dog really badly. I want to get a yorkie. I'm a dog person.
40.Does someone have a crush on you? I have no idea but I sure hope so
41.What is your favorite book? Angles and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Princess Bride, The Client, The Runaway Jury, The Street Lawyer, Daughter of the Forest, Son of the Shadows and Child of the Prophecy
42. What is your favorite candy? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Milk and White Chocoalate.Reese's Pieces, Take 5, Snickers, Millky Way
43.What song do you want played at your funeral? I'll Be Seeing You, Nearer My God To Thee, God Be With You Tell We Meet Again