Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy Thanksgiving Pictures, Images and Photos

I had a great Thanksgiving this year! My Mom, my brother and I went over to my uncle Luke's house for dinner at 1:30pm. We had a good time talking and eating really good food. It was good to see and talk with my cousins. After we ate we played the games Pass the Popcorn and Catch Phrase. I want the game Pass the Popcorn for Christmas. It was a really fun game and I love any game that deals with movies cuz I am the movie queen. After we played the games we saw the movie Unstoppable and it was awesome. I want to buy this movie when it comes out on DVD. Tomorrow I'm getting together with my Dad up at my brothers work. My Dad, my brother, my nieces and I are going out to dinner and seeing the movie Unstoppable. I totally want to see Unstoppable again tomorrow. I thought that I would go see either Harry Potter, Morning Glory or Love and other drugs while my family sees Unstoppable but Unstoppable was really good so I totally do not mind seeing it again. What did all of you guys do on Thanksgiving? I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving this year and I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving weekend. I'll be posting the picures that I took on Thanksgiving in a later post. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Unstoppable poster Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What I did in the month of July

On July 1st my Dad and I went out to dinner at Cowboy Grub with my Dad's extended family. It was a Murphy Family Reunion. It was really good visiting with my cousins and my extended family. I took some really good pictures at the reunion that I will be posting on here when I get my computer back from getting fixed.

On July 2nd my family and I went to Cowabunga Bay. We had a great time while we were there and I got sun burnt. We rented a cabana while we were there. After Cowabunga Bay we went out to dinner at Rumbi's Island Grill. After dinner I went to club Area 51 with my friend Amy to celebrate a friends birthday. I'm still working on the pictures from Cowabunga Bay and when they are done I'll be posting them on here.

On July 3rd I picked up my friend Amy from the Trax Station in Sandy. On our way to her house we stopped and got a slurpee. In the evening I got together with my friends Cristy and Luiz, Christel and Chris, and Candance. Cristy, Luiz and I got some dinner at Noodles and Company and then went and met everyone at Christel's new house. Then we all went to Thanksgiving Point to watch the fireworks. I'll be posting these pictures on here when I get my computer back.
On July 10th my friend Cristy, her daughter Danika and I went to our friend Becca's baby shower. I was also dog sitting that weekend for my aunt Robyn and I had a lovely sore throat that day. I will be posting the pictures that I took from the shower on here when I get my computer back.

Also in July I went to Hogle Zoo with my nieces. I still need to work on those pictures and when they are done I'll be posting them on here and also on facebook. Also in July my Mom, my nieces and I went to Lone Peak Park for a church party. My nieces got decorate their bikes and ride their bikes in a parade at the park. We also ate dinner while we were there and the kids played some games. Another day in July I got together with my friend Ruthann and we went to FHE with our singles ward. After that we went to visit our friend Candice and her family. I had a really good time in July and will be posting soon on what I did in August.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A True Friend

A true friend doesn't care when you're broke, being a bitch, what you weigh, if your house is a mess, what you drive, about your past, or if your family is filled with crazy people. Your conversations pick up where they left off even if they have been months apart. They love you ...for who you are, and no one else.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life's Little Instructions

Sing in the shower*Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated*Watch a sunrise at least once a year*Leave the toilet seat in the down position*Never refuse homemade brownies*Strive for excellence, not perfection*Plant a tree on your birthday*Learn three clean jokes*Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full*Compliment three people every day*Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them*Leave everything a little better than you found it*Keep it simple*Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures*Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know*Floss your teeth*Ask for a raise when you feel you've earned it* Be forgiving of yourself and others*Overtip breakfast waitresses*Say "thank you" a lot*Say "please" a lot*Avoid negative people*Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards*Wear polished shoes*Remember other people's birthdays*Commit yourself to constant improvement*Carry jumper cables in your trunk* Have a firm handshake*Send lots of Valentine cards. Sign them, "Someone who thinks you're terrific."*Look people in the eye*Be the first to say, "Hello"*Use the good silver*Return all things you borrow*Make new friends but cherish the old ones*Keep secrets*Sing in a choir*Plant flowers every spring*Have a dog*Always accept an outstretched hand*Stop blaming others*Take responsibility for every area of your life*Wave at kids on school buses*Be there when people need you*Feed a stranger's expired parking meter*Don't expect life to be fair*Never underesimate the power of love*Drink champagne for no reason at all*Live your life as an exclamation, not a explanation*Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake"*Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know"*Compliment even small improvements*Keep your promises (no matter what)*Marry only for love*Rekindle old friendships*Count your blessings*Call your mother

I saw this hanging at my aunt Robyn's house one day and I really liked it so I wrote it down. I think that all of us need little instrucions in our lives and to strive to do these every day. I know that I need to work on some of these in my life so that my life can be better. I thought that I would share this with all of you so that you can have Life's Little Instrucions in your lives too. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is in a week from today. I hope that all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving this year and eat lots of yummy food. Take care and have a great rest of the week!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The books that I'm reading right now are...

Alice I Have Been Pictures, Images and Photos

I was reading this book a little while ago but I have stopped reading it. I got it from the library back in August and I had to renew it 3 or 4 times. The book is really good but it was just taking me forever to read and when I read a book I like to take my time reading it. I got to Chapter 7 and I decided that I will buy the book when it comes out in paperback in December. I am now reading:

Santa Maybe Pictures, Images and Photos

After I read Santa Maybe I'll be reading:

The Almost Moon-Alice Seabold Pictures, Images and Photos