Friday, November 25, 2016

My Thankful ABC's :)

My thankful ABC's...
A- Alyssa Garrison, Autumn time, Apple Cider(Hot)
B- Best Friends
C- Christmas, Cousins, Caramel Apples, Canon Cameras, Clients
D- Disneyland, Dads, Daddy-Daddy, Dan Brown's Books
E- Easter
F- Freedom, Flute, Fun, Fireworks
G-Grandparents, Girlfriends, Girls Night Outs
H- Halloween, Haunted Houses, Hoodies, Hulu
I- Ice Cream(Dairy Free)
J- Joyfulness
K- Kindness
L- Laughter, Life, Love
M- Moms, Manicures, Movies, Music
N- Netflix
O- Oranges
P- Pedicures, Peanut Butter, Parents, Pets, Photography
Q- Quiet Time
R- Rylee Garrison, Rebecca McDermott(Mom), Rainbows, Rain
S- Soy Milk, See Ya Reel Soon, Simba, Sleep/Sleeping
T- Tyler Garrison, Tori Amos, TV Shows
U- U2, Understanding
V- Views
W- Walt Disney, Wynn C Garrison(Dad), Walmart
X- X-rays
Z- Zoo

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It's Survey Time!!! :)

Tattoos - 0 but I want one or two
Piercings - 2
Marriages - 0
Divorces - 0
Children - 0
Grandchildren - 0
Great Grandchildren - 0
Surgeries- 3 or 4
Shot a gun - Hell No!!!
Shot a rifle - Hell No!!!
Quit a job - Yes
Flown in airplane- Yes
Flown in helicopter - No
Gone over 100 mph in a car - Yes
Hit a deer - No
Gone zip lining - No but I want to
Cried over someone - Yes
Fell in love - Only with puppies and kitties
Lived in how many states - 1
Skipped school - Yes
Watched someone give birth - No
Watched someone die - Yes
Been to Canada - No
Ridden in an ambulance - No
Been to Hawaii - Yes
Been to Europe - No but I want to
Been to Washington D.C. - No
Visited Florida - No but I want to
Visited Mexico - Hell No!!!
Visited Las Vegas - Yes
Sang karaoke - No
Laughed so much you cried - Yes
Have a pet(s) - No, but I want a puppy and/or a hairless kitty
Been sledding on big hill - Yes
Been downhill skiing - Yes
Been cross-country skiing - Yes
Rode on a motorcycle - Yes
Rode a horse - Yes
Held a snake - Hell No!!!
Held a tarantula - Yes
Stayed in a hospital - Yes
Donated blood - Yes
Driven a stick shift - No
Rode in the back of a police car - No

Come on someone and do this with me!
Hold your finger down and select copy, then go into status and paste it. 🤓

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Let's See How Much Has Changed

Let's see how much has changed.
I was given the year of 1993.

Age : 15
Now: 38

Then: Single
Now: Single and loving it

Living in: Sandy,Utah
Now: Sandy, Utah 

Pets: 1 dog
Now: 0

Was I happy?
Then: Yes
Now: Sometimes 

Then: 0
Now: 0

Comment hello or hi and I will give you a year.