Monday, January 5, 2009

Books that I am reading now

Hey there everyone! How are all of you doing? I'm doing good. I've been sick the past few days with a really bad sore throat and sinus infection. I'm starting to feel better today. I have a doctor's appointment today at 4pm with an allergist. This appointment is a check up appointment to see how I am doing since the last time I saw the allergist. I will let all of you know how my appointment went later today or tomorrow.

I finnished reading "Angels and Demons" on December 28, 2008. I am now reading "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. When I am finished reading "The Da Vinci Code" I'll be reading "Digital Fortress" by Dan Brown. Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors. His books are amazing and intense. But I still need to finish reading "Child of the Prophecy" by Juliet Marillier. She is my favorite author. She has a new book out called "Heir to Sevenwaters" and I can't wait to read it. My other favorite authors are: John Grisham and Dean Koontz.

I have made a New Years Resolution for this new year and it's: I want to read a book every month. It took me almost a month to read "Angels and Demons" so I thought that would be a good resolution to do. Well, I better be going now. Take care of yourselves and have a great new week!!! Have a great weekend!!!

Da Vinci Code Pictures, Images and Photos

Digital Fortress Pictures, Images and Photos

Child of the Prophecy Pictures, Images and Photos

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