Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm going on a road trip!!!

Hey there everyone! How are all of you doing? I'm doing pretty good. Guess what? I'm going on a road trip in May. I'll be leaving May 6th and will be getting back home late on the 9th. So I'm going on a mini vacation. I'm going to be helping my friend Amy move back home to Utah from Hawaii. But we are meeting each other in San Diego. I'll be flying in to San Diego on JetBlue on the 6th. We will be picking up her car in Long Beach on the 7th. Then, we will be driving to Las Vegas and spending two nights there. We will be staying at The Palms Hotel and Casino while we are in Las Veags. I am really excited for my trip because I'll get to see my friend Amy who I have seen for a year or so and I get to go on a vacation. While we are in San Diego we will be going to the beach, probably go out dancing at a club and go get Amy some new skates for roller derby. While we are in Las Vegas we will be going dancing to a couple of clubs, we might go see a movie, we might go get a massage done. I might go get a pedicure done. We might even get a tattoo while we are there. I will totally be taking a lot of pictures of the trip and then I will put them up here on facebook, myspace and my blog when I get back. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Easter. Happy Easter to everyone!!! Take care and have a great rest of the weekend!!!

1 comment:

Casey and Rachel Hall Family said...

tattoo! oh boy! i love tattoos but i'll never get one.