Friday, June 25, 2010

How I Celebrated My 32nd Birthday

At the beginning of February I got really sick. I had a horrible cold and pneumonia. I was sick for 2 weeks. The first week in February when I was sick was the worst. I was still a little bit sick on my birthday but not as bad as the week before. On my 32nd birthday on February 11th I got my haircut/styled and a facial done. Then, in the evening my Mom and I went out to dinner at Red Robin's and then we saw the movie When In Rome. On Friday I got a manicure and pedicure done during the day. In the evening I went out to dinner with my friends Julianne and Aubrey. We went to dinner at Mimi's Cafe and Julianne paid for my dinner for my birthday present. On Saturday evening I went to my friend Michelle's wedding reception. It was really nice and I will be posting pictures from her reception after I post this post. After the reception I went out to dinner with my Dad, my brother and my nieces at The Mandarin restaurant in Bountiful. The food there was so yummy. On Sunday which was Valentine's Day I celebrated my birthday with my Mom, my brother and my nieces. We went out to breakfast/lunch at Midvale Mining Company Cafe I think. It has a been a little while since my birthday so I can't remember what I did on Sunday. All in all I had a great 32nd birthday. Here are some pictures of Me on my birthday and the day after. Happy 32nd Birthday to me!!!

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