Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day, my friends!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, my friends and family! I'm very proud to be Irish and I'm Irish on both sides of my family. Here is an Irish Blessing for you:

May your neighbors respect you. Trouble neglect you. The angels protect you. And Heaven accept you!


Friday, March 15, 2013

The Osborn's Family Portraits on 8/22/2012

On August 22, 2012 I took my cousin Cade's family portraits. I shot their pictures in my aunt Robyn's backyard in West Valley City, Utah. I started dog sitting Wheatie on August 20th for my aunt Robyn and went home on August 22nd after I shot my cousin Cade's family portraits. On August 22 I had a doctor appointment in the morning and was diagnosed with a sinus infection. After my appointment I went to Walmart to get my medicine filled for my sinus infection. It seems like whenever I am sick with a sinus infection I am shooting a family portrait session. I went back to dog sit Wheatie on August 26th until September 5th. Here are some pictures of my cousin Cade and his family's family portraits. You can see the rest of their pictures on my photography business blog Take care and have a great weekend my friends!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Aida at Sandy Amphitheater on 8/11/2012

On August 11th I got together with my friend Julianne for a Girls Night Out. We went out to dinner at Cafe Rio in Sandy and then we went to the Sandy Amphitheater to see the musical Aida. The musical was really good and they did an amazing job of it. It was my first time seeing the musical Aida and I loved it. While the musical was going on I saw to the left of me fireworks going off. I think they were going off at Rio Tinto. After the musical I went to Walmart to get a couple of things. I had a wonderful time on August 11th with my friend Julianne. Take care and have a great rest of the week my friends.