Friday, March 1, 2013

How I Celebrated My 35th Birthday: With a Trip to Disneyland

I can't believe that I got to celebrate my 35th birthday this year at Disneyland. I've been wanting to go to Disneyland on my birthday for years now and I'm so glad that I got the chance to celebrate my 35th birthday there. It was my birthday present from my Dad and it was the best birthday present Ever!!! I had a blast on my birthday trip to Disneyland and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

On Saturday Feb. 9th my Dad came over to my house a little bit after 8am. He left his car at my house and we took my car to Southern California. Our first stop on the trip was at 711 in Sandy to put some gas in my car. We then got on the freeway to head south at 8:36am. We stopped in Nephi to get some breakfast at Burger King. It was snowing a little bit in Nephi while we were there but not that bad. Then we got back on the freeway and we were headed for Southern California. While we were driving on the freeway we ran into snow but the roads were pretty good. When we were by Filmore my friend Becca called me and it was great to talk with her and to catch up with her while on the drive to California. We then stopped in Beaver to get gas in my car and to use the restrooms. Then, we got back on the freeway and headed for Las Vegas. We stopped in Las Vegas to do some shopping at The Good Will and at Savers. We shop at those places to help pay for the trip by putting what we buy on ebay. After we shopped and looked around at The Good Will and Savers we went to In and Our Burgers for lunch. After lunch we stopped and got some more gas in my car. Then, we got back on the freeway and headed for Anaheim, California. We stopped again for gas somewhere in California. When we got back on the freeway we got a little bit lost. I remember seeing this little theme park that had a roller coaster that you can see while you are on the freeway from the last time in December 2011 and I think we were supposed to turn on the freeway that is right after that but we didn't. We kept on driving on I-15 and we were starting to drive to San Diego and not to Anaheim. So, we got off the freeway and stopped at this park. My Dad and I don't have GPS on our cell phones but luckily my Dad has the Internet on his phone. Neither of us brought directions to get to our motel. I totally thought that my Dad would bring directions or he remember how to get there from the last time we were there. My Dad found a map on his cell phone and we got directions for Motel 6 in Anaheim. We got back on I-15 and then we got on to another freeway that took us to our destination. While we were getting on the new freeway we got stuck in traffic. We made good timing almost the whole trip until we got onto the new freeway that was taking us to Anaheim. Luckily, we were not in traffic for that long so that was good. We made it safe and sound to Motel 6 around 8pm. A few minutes after we got into our room the fireworks went off at Disneyland. My Dad and I ran outside to watch the fireworks from our motel room. The view from our motel room was perfect and I took some pictures and a video clip of the fireworks. My Dad left a few minutes later to go get us some dinner from Subway. While my Dad was gone I unpacked my bag, checked my email and Facebook. I wanted to sit in the hot tub that night but ran out of time. When my Dad got back we ate dinner and watched the rest of the movie Battleship. We got ready for bed and we watched a little bit of the movie X-Men First Class and then went to bed.

On Sunday Feb. 10th we went to Disneyland. We got there a little bit after 8am and left to go back to our motel at 10:30pm. We started the day at Disney's California Adventure Park. We first went to Cars Land to check it out and to go on Radiator Spring Racers Ride. I forgot that Cars Land is right next to A Bugs Land and we walked by Tower of Terror and through a Bugs Land. We found out that there was a line to get a fast pass for Radiator Spring Racers that started by A Bugs Land and ended by Hollywood Land. So, we got in line to by a fast pass and the line moved pretty fast. We were probably in line to get a fast pass for about 5 to 10 minutes. My Dad got out of line to go check out Radiator Spring Racers to see how long the stand by wait is. When we got our fast passes we went and got in line to ride Radiator Spring Racers. The line we had to wait in was 60 minutes. While we were waiting in line I took a lot of pictures of the ride. When we got on the ride our car was yellow. I recorded the whole ride and it made me sick to my stomach while I was recording it. It was a really cool and fun ride. After we rode it we had an hour or so to kill before we could us our fast pass for Radiator Springs Racers. So we went on Toy Story Mania. After that we went and got something to eat at Pacific Wharf Cafe. It was still breakfast time and Pacific Wharf Cafe had stuff for breakfast and stuff for lunch. I was going to get some breakfast there but it was really cold outside so I got tomato basil soup that came in a sourdough bread bowl, a large Coke Zero and a Mickey Mouse rice crispy treat. After brunch we used our fast pass and went on Radiator Springs Racers. My Dad went and got us fast passes for Soarin Over California while I was waiting in line getting our brunch. After Radiator Spring Racers we got in line to go on Luigi's Flying Tires. We were in line for about 5 minutes and realized that it was time to use our fast pass for Soarin. It was our first time using a fast pass for Soarin so that was nice. After we went on Soarin we went to Disneyland. The line to get into Disneyland was insane. Luckily, it didn't take that long to get into the happiest place on earth. Our first ride at Disneyland was Star Tours. We waited in line for almost an hour. While I was waited in line for Star Tours my Dad lefted and got us fast passes for Space Mountain (I think) or it was for the autopias. After Star Tours we went to Mickey's Toontown to check out the line for Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. We decided to get a fast pass for the ride while we were there. After that we went to Fantasyland and went on Peter Pan. After Peter Pan we used our fast passes for Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. After we rode that ride we went back to Tomorrowland and used our fast passes for Space Mountain. After Space Mountain we ate dinner at Red Rocket's Pizza Port. I was so tired and I wasn't really hungry but I ate their Chinese Chicken Salad and had a large Coke Zero. After I ate dinner I got my second wind. We got fast passes for the autopias that we used later that evening. After dinner we went on The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Indiana Jones Adventure, got some pineapple juice and a pineapple spear. Then we went on the Enchanted Tiki Room. After that we watched the fireworks go off by Sleeping Beauty Castle. After the fireworks we went on Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, the Autopias and Captain EO. Then, we walked to Motel 6 to crash. I checked email, Facebook and got ready for bed. We watched part of the movie Unknown and then we went to bed.

On Feb. 11th was my 35th Birthday. We went to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure from 9:30am until 8:30pm. We started the day at Disneyland and our first ride was the Matterhorn. It kept on breaking down on Sunday and I was very happy that it was finally working on my birthday. After the Matterhorn we hopped on the Monorail and got off at Downtown Disney to go have breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel. Before we went to Goofy's Kitchen we stopped at The Pearl Factory at Downtown Disney. I wanted to get a new pearl for my ring for my birthday and they were busy when we got there so we decided to come back later. We then headed to Goofy's Kitchen and it was my first time at the Disneyland Hotel and at Goofy's Kitchen. When we got there I got my picture taken with Goofy. After that we were seated and I stayed at the table while my Dad went and got some food. While I was at the table Dale said Hi to me. Goofy's Kitchen is a character breakfast buffet. I ate some yummy food while I was there. I really enjoyed eating their peanut butter and jelly pizza. Their potatoes were to die for and I also had some cereal with soy milk. The buffet had breakfast food and lunch food too. I swear that everyone at Goofy's Kitchen that day were celebrating their birthdays. They wished me a Happy Birthday by singing to me and giving me a cupcake with a big pin. I got pictures taken with Dale, Rafiki, Captain Hook, Pluto, Balou and Princess Aurora. I really wanted to get my picture taken with Aladdin while I was at Goofy's Kitchen. After Goofy's Kitchen we went back to the Pearl Factory and I got a new pearl and a new ring for my birthday. After that we hopped back on the Monorail and went back to Disneyland. We went on Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage and Space Mountain. After Space Mountain my Dad couldn't find his glasses. We looked at a couple of different places and he couldn't find them anywhere. My Dad left for a couple of hours to go do some shopping at The Good Will. On his way out of Disneyland he stopped at the lost and found to tell them about his glasses. He filled out a form about what his glasses looks like and when we left the lost and found he left his pen there. Isn't that crazy? I stayed at Disneyland and went on the rides that I wanted to go on. First, I went on Snow White's Scary Adventures. Then, I got in line to go on Pinocchio's Daring Journey and it broke down while I was in line. So, I got out of line and went on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. After that ride I went on Storybookland Canal Boats, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and The Haunted Mansion. After the Haunted Mansion I bought me a Diet Coke and some Cotton Candy. Then, I headed over to Disney's California Adventure to meet my Dad at Tower of Terror. We went on Tower of Terror, Luigi's Flying Tires and our last ride was Radiator Springs Racers. The park closed at 8pm and we got in line for Radiator Springs Racers a little bit after 7:30pm. We left Disney's California Adventure at 8:30pm and went out to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. I got their Rotisserie Chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and a really yummy alcohol drink called Tropical Toucan. After dinner we walked back to Motel 6 and I checked my email and Facebook. I got in bed that night a little bit after 12:30am. What was really cool when I was at Disneyland and California Adventure on my birthday a lot of people wished me a Happy Birthday and it made my day and made me feel really special. 

On Feb. 12th we got up at 8am to get ready to check out of motel and head for home. We left Motel 6 around 9:30am and went to check out The Good Will that was a few minutes away. After that we went to McDonald's and got some breakfast. I got a susage Mcgriddle and some orange juice. We ate our breakfast in the car while we were on the freeway headed for home. We stopped in Barstow and went to the Barstow Station. While we were there we got a drink at McDonald's. After that we got back on the freeway and headed for home. We then stopped in Las Vegas for lunch and to get some gas in my car. We ate lunch at Jack in the Box that is on Craig's Road. After lunch we got back on the freeway and headed for home. We then stopped in Beaver, Utah at the gas station we always go to. We got gas in my car and for dinner we just got some snacks. I wasn't that hungry so snacks were just fine for me. We got to my house at 9:50pm. I was in a lot of pain that day due to my stupid TMJ Disorder. I think all that driving and going through all the different elevations is not good for me. I had a great time on my birthday trip to Disneyland. I took 461 pictures of my trip. Some I took on my cell phone, my Canon 60D and my Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS. I posted all my pictures on Facebook and will be posting them on here in a couple of weeks or so. I took some video clips of my Disneyland trip that I will be uploading them on YouTube and on Facebook sometime. Take care my friends and have a great weekend!! 


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