Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What I Did Today On 4/28/2015

I've been watching new episodes of Dancing with the Stars, 7 Little Johnstons and 19 Kids and Counting while cleaning my bedroom and working on my clients pictures. 
I am getting rid of 8 pairs of jeans sizes 12 and 14!!! I'll be giving them to Savers in the next couple of days or so.  If you are a size 12 or 14 and are looking for some jeans please let me know and I'll be happy to give you them for a good price. :) 
One of my favorite veggies is Sugar Snap Peas!!!  I'm eating some right now for a very healthy snack. 
It's going to take me 2 weeks to one month or more to clean my room from head to toe and to make it spotless.  I'll be getting rid of tons of my old clothes and stuff to Savers in a couple of weeks or so. I love Savers way better then D.I. because when you bring in a couple of bags of stuff to Savers you get a 20% discount coupon. Isn't that awesome?  Have a great night my friends and family!!! :)

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