Monday, April 18, 2016

Bucket List--Please Play Along :)

Bucket List - please play along. You'll be surprised at the responses. Put an X if you have done it.

Fired a Gun: Hell No!!!
Gone on a blind date X
Skipped school X
Watched someone give birth
Watched someone die X
Visited Canada
Visited Hawaii X
Visited Europe
Visited Las Vegas X
Visited Washington DC
Visited Asia
Visited Africa
Visited Florida
Visited Mexico: Hell No!!!
Visited Australia
Seen the Grand Canyon in person X
Flown in a Helicopter
Been on a cruise
Served on a jury
Been in a movie X
Visited L.A X
Been to New York City
Cried yourself to sleep X
Played in a band X
Recently colored with pencils X
Sang karaoke
Swam in the ocean XX
Paid for a meal with coins only X
Made prank phone calls X
Laughed so much you cried X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue X
Had children
Had a pet X
Been skinny dipping X
Rapelled down a building/tower X
Gone zip lining
Been downhill skiing X
Been water skiing X
Been camping in a tent X
Driven a motorcycle
Jumped out of a plane
Gone to a drive-in movie X
Done something that could have killed you X
Done something that you will regret for the rest of your life XXX
Rode an elephant X
Rode a camel
Eaten just cookies or cake or ice cream for dinner X
Been on TV X
Been in newspaper X
Stolen any traffic signs
Been in a car accident X
Stayed in Hospital X
Donated blood X
Had to pay a fine in the past 12 months
Eaten snails X
Gotten a piercing X
Gotten a tattoo
Driven a standard car
Ever owned your dream car X
Been Married
Been divorced
Fell in love
Paid for a strangers meal
Driven over 100mph X
Worked in a pub
Been scuba diving
Found a dead body X
Lived on your own
Rode in the back of a police car
Written or published a book/story/poem/song

You hold your finger down and select copy... Then go into status and hold down finger and select paste!!

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