Friday, August 20, 2010


I am so pissed off right now!!! Last Thursday I started getting sick with a sinus infection so I took some amoxicillin that I had left from the last night I was sick. During this week I started feeling crappy all over my body and was itching really bad. I was thinking to myself that this feels like a yeast infection. I have had some yeast infections in the past and I thought that I better go see someone about it. So on Thursday I made an appointment with my new obgyn and went to the appointment this morning. When I talked to my new doctor and he did the exam on me sure enough I have a lovely yeast infection. He gave me some medicine to take and I sure hope that it helps. He also gave me some more medicine to take on Monday if it doesn't clear up. So hopefully it will clear up so I don't have to take the other medicine.

Well, yesterday I posted an update status on my facebook that I was going to go see an obgyn in the morning and I was hoping that I don't have a yeast infection. Well, my stupid Internet at home isn't working right now so I had to go check my e-mail at the library today. And when I checked it I had some really mean or not that mean things said about my status. It really made me upset and I was shaky when I was commenting back. I am very personable when I am on my facebook page but I guess I shouldn't be anymore. What my friend Amy said really made me mad. I feel like our friendship is going to end over this and I have known her since we were 12. She wanted me to delete my status update and I really don't like when people tell me what I can and can not do. Then she wrote back and it really pissed me off and I was saying the f word a lot in the comment. She commented a couple of more times saying that she won't introduced me to some of her friends because I embarrassed her. Oh my fucking hell. How in the hell did I embarrass her. She has embarrassed me on a few occasions. And that she would delete me as a friend on facebook for the way I was acting. Well, I'm sorry but when people leave comments like that it really upsets me and I am defending what I said I think I say things that I don't mean. But why in the hell can't I say what I want to say on facebook. It shouldn't matter what I say or don't say. I feel like no one reads my status updates anyway. I really don't want to lose my friendship with her over this. She is one of my best friends. So what she said tonight really hurt my feelings. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but having a yeast infection is nothing to get all skirmish about. There are a lot of things that my friends say or post pictures of on facebook that I don't like. But do you hear me complaining. No! I don't tell my friends to please don't say or post those kinds of pictures cuz it really offends me. I'm not that kind of person. I'm really respectful for all of my friends and family. I don't care what my friends religion, race, likes/dislikes are. I like my friends and family for what they believe in, what their straights and weakness are because that is what makes them who they are. But I really don't like is when my friends put me down for when I write stuff that I really believe in and what is happening in my life. It really makes me sad and really upset. I don't ever leave rude comments about them so say that I highly don't believe in that. I feel like whatever did I do to you to make you say those things to me. I really hate days like this because whenever I have really bad days I always want to kill myself. And today was one of them. I don't think that I will ever kill myself but on the days that something really shitty happens to me are the days that I want to end my life.

If a lot of you don't like this post or think its offensive I'm sorry. I just needed to get this off my chest. I also feel like nobody reads my blog anyway. Well, I hope that all of you have a great weekend!!!


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