Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What I Did In The Month Of August

August 2010 was a fun and stressful month for me. Here are the highs and the lows of the month of August.

The Highs- On August 2nd through August 11th I was dog sitting Wheatie for my aunt and uncle.While I was dog sitting Wheatie I babysat my cousin Cade's daughter Masche on the 4th. She got to sleep over that night and we had a lot of fun together. We watched The Othersider's on my laptop. On the 8th I went over to my cousin Cade's house for lunch. After lunch I went to the Great Salt Lake and Salt Air to take some pictures. On the 6th my friend Cristy and her family came over to my aunt's house for a little while. Then, we went out to dinner at TGI Fridays. On the 7th my friend Candice and her baby Rebecca came over in the afternoon for a visit. On the 12th I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get my cousin Mckenzie's bridal shower present. Then I went to DSW Shoes and bought my first pair of shoes from there. That store is amazing and is one of my favorite stores now. I would like a gift card to that store for Christmas and for my birthday. That day I started coming down with a sinus infection. On the 13th I went to my brothers work to pick up my nieces to spend the night at my house. On our way home to Grandma's house we went over to see my friend Cristy and her family for an hour. On the 14th my nieces and I went to my cousin Mckenzie's bridal shower at 11am. After the shower I took my nieces to the Draper Library, Fashion Place Mall and then we saw the movie The A-Team. On the 15th my family and I went out to lunch at Midvale Mining Company. After lunch we saw the movie The Expendables. On the 20th went and saw on OBGYN in the morning for my first time. In the late afternoon/early evening I met my Dad at a gas station. Then, I went to the library to check my email. Our computers stopped working on Thursday night so Friday I had to go the the library to check my email. Had some really mean and horrible emails from a friend of mine. After the library I slept over at my brothers work. On the 25th I went and saw my friend Becca and her new baby boy Kyle. He is so sweet and cute. On the 26th went to book club with my Mom at 7pm. On the 27th I helped my brother by taking him to Brashers to get a car. In the evening I went out to dinner w/ Cristy and her family at Fazolie's. After dinner we went to their house and watched the movie Clash of the Titans. It was good but we all liked the original one better. On the 28th my Mom and I went to my cousin Rourke's Wedding dinner and reception. It was really good to see my cousins and my extended family that night. I took some cute pictures at the dinner and reception that I'll be posting to facebook later. If I don't post them on here you can check them out on my facebook page. On the 31st I saw a new Ears Nose and Throat doctor at the U of U Hospital. He couldn't help me with my sinuses. He said that I didn't have a sinus infection and I knew that I didn't have one. He recommended me to go see a facial pain specialist. After the doctors I went over to see my friend Candice and her baby girl Rebecca. And now for the lows of the month.

The Lows-On the 20th when I went to the library to check my email I had a really mean comment from my friend Amy. She told me to delete my status update. She did said it nicely but even when people ask me nicely do due things like that it really upsets me. I know I shouldn't let things get to me like that but they do. So I know that I need to work on that. Two of my cousin also comment on my status update and one of them said TMI. I'm sorry but I'm so not into that lingo. I feel that that kind of lingo should be for junior high and high school kids not for adults to do. So I commented back by saying What the hell does TMI mean. I know now that it means too much information. My status updated said I was just getting over having a sinus infection and I sure hope that I don't have a yeast infection. So, my friend Amy wanted me to delete my status update. So I commented back saying What the hell does TMI mean and please don't tell me what I can and can not do. Amy then commented back saying that she wasn't going to introduced me to her friends because she was embarrassed of me. That comment really upset me and I also found that comment really childish. Then, I commented back saying the F word quite a bit at her because what she said really upset me and hurt my feelings too. I do swear and I only say the F word when I get really upset or someone really upsets me. And Amy really upset me that day. She commented back saying that she would delete me and she talked about my photography business saying that I wasn't acting professionally. That REALLY upset me! Friends do not talk crap about other friends or their business. She doesn't know me at all and she doesn't know that I am very professional when it comes to my photography business. She did delete me and that is just fine.

That night I went to my brothers work and spent the night. While I was there I wrote a post about the situation and when I am mad I like to write my feelings down so I can get them out of my system. I posted it to my blog as I Need To Vent and also posted it to Facebook as I Really Need to Vent. The next day I got a lot of comments about it. A lot of people thought that I was going to kill myself. I just say that when I have a really shitty day. I just say to myself that I want to die but do I do it. No I don't and I won't ever will. I also say that I want to die when I am really sick. Especially when I had a really bad cold/pneumonia back in February. A few days later I decided to add Amy as a friend again on Facebook. She added me and then she read my I Really Need to Vent post and she was really mad about it. I tired calling me on the 24th and I wouldn't answer her calls. It was really late at night when she was calling me and I was trying to get ready for bed. I had a horrible sleep the night before and I wanted to get into bed some what early that night. We talked a little bit on Facebook and then she called the house land line phone. That really upset me because my Mom was in bed and she answered the phone and talked with Amy. Amy told my Mom to get me on the phone and my Mom didn't like that. I sure in hell did not want to talk with her that night or any other night for that matter. So that night Amy was texting me and I turned off my phone that night cuz I did not want to talk to her what so ever. The next day I got her texts and she sent me pictures of the picture of us she had in a frame that I got her and it showed her throwing away the picture. Did it upset me that she did that? No it did not. So I sent her a text saying that I would like my movie back that she has borrowed. She said that she would mail it to me. And guess what? She has not sent me my movie back yet. She has had it since the end of July and it's now December. What should I do about getting my movie back from her? Should I email or text her saying I would like my movie back please? She also sent me some really, really mean texts and she wouldn't stop texting me. Those texts really hurt my feelings very much. She was swearing at me in her texts and I didn't swear in my texts but maybe one or two of them. But not as much as she did. She called me names and I didn't call her any names. I don't call my friends names or talk shit about them. Later that day my friend Ruthann came over with two guys in our singles ward and they gave me a blessing. The blessing helped me so much. I really needed that.

This is what I did and happened in the month of August. I hope you all like this post and what is happening in my life. Thanks for checking out my blog. I really appreciate it. Take care and have a great rest of the week!!!

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