Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 30. Today I Am Thankful For...My Aunts and Uncles :)

Day 30. Today I am thankful for my many aunts and uncles. I really appreciate all that they have done and given to me all of my life. They are the best and I love them dearly. Thanks Linda Garrison, Colin Garrison, LeeAnn Garrison, Rick McDermott, LuAnn McDermott, David Osborn, Robyn Osborn, Rourke McDermott, Eilane McDermott, Rondi Knowlton, Brad Jefferies, Jan Rachelle McDermott Snow, Scott M Snow, Luke McDermott Sr., Bonnie McDermott, Lorna Parker, Stu Parker, Ryan McDermott and Julie McDermott. I love you all so very much!!! Thanks for being my favorite aunts and uncles!!! Thanks for being a part of my life. :) Take care and have a great day my friends and family. :)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 29. Today I Am Thankful For...My Dad's Laptop :)

Day 29. Today I am thankful and very grateful for my Dad's laptop. My Dad is letting me borrow his laptop so I can work on my pictures for my clients Stars Of Unique, Miss Crystal's Preschool and my aunt Lorna while my laptops are in the shop and/or they are not working correctly. I hate being so damn sick right now over Thanksgiving. My sinus infection has turned into a horrible cold. I haven't had a cold in years. Take care and have a great weekend my friends and family. :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 28. Today I Am Thankful For...My Bed :)

Day 28. Today/tonight I am thankful for my bed. I have spent all day in my bed watching movies and TV shows because I am so damn sick right now with a sinus infection/cold/bronchitis. I hope that all of you are having a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. I'll be spending this weekend at home in bed working on pictures. Thanks for being a part of my life. Take care and have a great weekend my friends and family. :)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! (One day late) :)

Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends!!! :) Thanks for being a part of my life!!! :) Happy Thanksgiving!!! :)

Day 27. Today I Am Thankful For...Spending Thanksgiving With My Mom :)

Day 27. Today I am thankful for spending Thanksgiving with my Mom and spending the day sick in bed with a sinus infection/post nasal drip while watching movies and TV shows. I really hate being sick for the Holidays. I was sick for Halloween, I'm sick for Thanksgiving and I better not be sick for Christmas or New Year's Eve. Or I'm going to be really pissed off!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving my family and friends!!! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 26. Today I Am Thankful For...My Antibiotics, Cough Drops, Narcotics, Coke Zero and Ice Packs

Day 26. Today I am thankful for my antibiotics, cough drops, narcotics, Coke Zero and ice packs. I feel so miserable right now and my sinus infection has turned into post nasal drip. What a great way to spend Thanksgiving weekend sick in bed. Have a great day my friends and family! :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 25. Today I Am Thankful For...My Doctor Vernon Potter

Day 25. Today I am thankful for my doctor Vernon Potter because I had a doctor appointment this afternoon and I am sick again with another damn sinus infection. He is a great doctor and I've been going to him for years. He gave me some antibiotics to take and another prescription for my narcotics. I can't believe that in exactly one month from today it will be Christmas!!! Where has this year gone? Take care and have a great evening my friends and family! :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Days 22, 23 and 24. Today I Am Thankful For...My friends Candice and Bryant Jewkes family

Day 22. On Saturday I was thankful for spending the day with one of my best friends and sister Candice Jewkes. I had a great time spending the day at her house relaxing, playing with her kids and catching up with each other.

Day 23. On Sunday I was thankful for Bryant Jewkes for helping me out by trying to fix both of my laptops for me. I really appreciate him for all that he has done for me and for what he does for his family. 

Day 24. Today I am thankful for Rebecca, Nathan and Annabelle Jewkes. They are some of the cutest and sweetest kids ever and that is all thanks to their amazing parents Candice and Bryant Jewkes. I'm glad that I got to spend the weekend with them and playing with them. I love being their aunt and they mean the world to me. Take care and have a great night my friends and family! :)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 21. Today I Am Thankful For...Road Trips!!! :)

Day 21. Today I am thankful for road trips. I'm going down to Castle Dale today to spend the weekend with my friend Candice Jewkes while her husband Bryant fixes both of my laptops for me. I'm scared to drive through Spanish Fork Canyon today so I need some good vibes and prayers that I make it there and back safe and sound. Take care and have a great weekend my friends and family!!! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 20. Today I Am Thankful For...Pomegranates

Day 20. Today I am thankful for pomegranates. They are some of my favorite fruits to eat during this time of year and through out the year too. I bought me 4 for $5 at Ream's on Tuesday night. I ate one last night and I might eat another one tonight. Take care and have a great night my friends and family!!! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 19. Today I Am Thankful For...My niece Rylee Garrison and for my External Hard Drive

Day 19. Today I am thankful for a couple of things. I am thankful for my niece Rylee Garrison making her Layton High School Girls JV Basketball team and today is her first game!!! :) I'm so happy and proud of her making the team and she is a really good basketball player!!! :) I am also thankful for my 500GB external hard drive. I need to get a new external hard drive for putting all my pictures and stuff on it from my ASUS laptop that died on Sunday for when I take it in to Computer Hospital to get somewhat fix they can put all my stuff on it. Both of my laptops are broken and I can take both of them in to Computer Hospital in Sandy and they can fix them for $50 each. Take care and have a great day my friends and family!!! :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 18. Today I Am Thankful For...My Glasses :)

Day 18. Today I am thankful for my glasses so I can see every day. I do need to get a new pair of glasses though because I have had my glasses since 2011 and they are very loose on me. I would love to get contacts but if I did I would have to get the hard contacts so no thanks. I like my eye doctor but she is very damn expensive and she won't give me my prescription. My glasses that I got from her in 2011 cost me $400. I want to know if I can go see another eye doctor at Sam's Club, Walmart, Shopko or Target. So, for one of my Christmas presents this year I would love a new pair of glasses. Take care and have a great day my friends and family!!! :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 17. Today I Am Thankful For...

Day 17. Today I am thankful for my narcotics (pain killers), my doterra peppermint essential oil, ice packs and caffeine for my horrible migraine from Hell that I have had since I got up this morning. I am also thankful for my old laptop that I can use while my newer laptop is broken. But my old laptop won't let me download my photography programs so I can't work on my photos for my clients right now and that is really pissing me off and stressing me the Hell out!!! So, hopefully tomorrow I can take my laptop in to Computer Hospital in Sandy to see if they can fix it for me for a really good price. Take care and have a great evening my friends and family! :)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 16. Today I Am Thankful For...My Extended Family On My Mom's Side :)

Day 16. Today I am thankful for spending time with my extended family on my Mom's side today at my cousin Logan Parker's homecoming from his LDS Mission in Texas. It was great seeing and visiting with my aunts, uncles, cousins and my Grammy McDermott while eating yummy food. I was bad and ate 2 desserts and a piece of corn bread. They had chili for lunch and I'm not a big fan of chili. The only chili I eat is Wendy's chili because I love how it's more like a soup then chili. So, I'll be fixing me something to eat later when I am hungry. I love and am very thankful for my extended family on my Mom's side and on my Dad's side. They are the best and I love them dearly. I have the best extended family ever and I'm glad to be apart of it. Have a great day my friends and family!!! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 15. Today I Am Thankful For...Hot Apple Cider and Spending Time With My Friends

Day 15. Today I am thankful for spending time with my friends Robert Marion, Rina Marion, their daughter Aya, Maggie Hartog Stauffer, Mark Stauffer, their son Jameson at Aya's birthday party. It was great spending time with them this late afternoon/early evening and catching up with them too. :) I'm glad that my friend Rob and his cute family are back in Utah for good. It's going to be great to get together with him and his family for dinners, going to the movies or for whatever. I am also thankful for Hot Apple Cider to drink on this really cold November day. Have a great weekend my friends and family!!! :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 13 and Day 14. I Am Thankful For...My Digital Photo Professional and Adobe Photoshop CS6 Programs

Day 13. Yesterday I am thankful for my aunt Lorna and my uncle Stu for giving me a photography job by taking pictures of their son Logan (my cousin) return home from his LDS Mission from Texas. I really appreciate it and all that they have done and given me. I'll be taking more pictures for them this Sunday at Logan's Homecoming. They are the best and I love them tons!!! :)

Day 14. Today I am thankful for my Digital Photo Professional program that I use for my photography business. This program helps me turn my RAW images into JPEGS. I am also thankful for my Adobe Photoshop CS6 program. Once I'm done working on the pictures in Digital Photo Professional I work on them in Photoshop to make them look perfect for my clients and for myself. I am very anal when it comes to my photography work. Working on my pictures is very time consuming but I love it because I get to use my creativity to make the pictures how I want to and to make them look amazing for my clients. Have a great weekend my friends and family!! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 12. Today I Am Thankful For...My Car

Day 12. Today I am thankful for my car because I have a lot of errands to do today and that I'm grateful that I have my own transportation that works and can take me to many different destinations. I love my Mitsubishi Montero Sport SUV and I have had my car for a little bit over 6 years now. It's a great car and I haven't had that many problems with it. And that is a blessing. :) Have a great day my friends and family! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 11. Today I Am Thankful For...Veterans

Day 11. Today I am thankful for all the veterans that have served our country and the ones that are still serving our country. I'm very proud to be an American and for the armed forces doing what they do for us all. Both my grandpas fought in WW2. Daddy-Daddy was in France (I think) and Papa John Garrison was in the Pacific (I think). Thank you Megan Bartlett, James T. Mills, Travis Christensen (Taryn Christensen) for serving our country you are awesome and are my heroes. Have a great Veterans Day my friends and family!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 10. Today I Am Thankful For...My Grandma McDermott

Day 10. Today I am thankful for caffeine, ice packs and major pain killers. I woke up this morning at my Dad's house with a horrible migraine from Hell. I am also thankful for my Grandma McDermott. Today is her 89th Birthday and I'll be stopping by her house on my way home to give her her birthday present that I made for her and to wish her a Happy Birthday. Take care and have a great day my friends. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 9. Today I Am Thankful For...My Dog/Cat/House Sitting Jobs

Day 9. Today I am thankful for my aunts Robyn Osborn, Rachelle McDermott Snow, Lorna Parker, LeeAnn Garrison and my friend Rebecca Marcario for my dog/cat/ferret/house sitting jobs. I really appreciate all that they have done for me by giving me a job, letting me take care of and love their pets. I took care of Wheatie my aunt Robyn's dog for 11 years out of 15 years. Wheatie is my doggie, my best friend and I love her to pieces. I got to be there on 6/20/2013 when the vet put Wheatie to sleep. Her death was really hard on me and especially my aunt Robyn. I love and miss my Wheaters very much. I also took care of: Sherlock my aunt Rachelle's dog, Rex my aunt LeeAnn's dog, Molly and Dragon my friend Becca's dogs, Duke and Duchess my aunt Lorna's dog, Jester, Simba and Nala my aunt Lorna's hairless cats. All the dogs and cats that I have looked after are my best friends and I love them to pieces. Have a great day my friends and family!!! :)

Day 8. Today I Am Thanksful For...Spending The Weekend With My Dad

Day 8. Today I am thankful to spend the weekend with my Dad, my brother and my nieces at my Dad's house in Clearfield. As you know my parents are divorce and I have a great relationship with both of my parents. I got to my Dad's house Friday night at 9pm and when I got there I had dinner from Noodles & Company waiting for me. Thanks Dad for getting me some yummy dinner last night. I really appreciate all that you do for me. Last night my Dad, my brother and my niece Alyssa went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. We got the blommin onion for a starter and then I got salmon for my dinner. The food was really yummy especially the mix vegetables that came with my salmon. :) Earlier this evening I did some shopping at Sam's Club and Walmart. I almost started doing my Christmas shopping tonight while I was at Walmart. But I decided to start doing my Christmas shopping sometime this new week. I want to get my Christmas shopping done now before the weather starts getting bad. Have a great weekend my friends and family! :)

Friday, November 7, 2014

I Am A Little Bit Stressed Out Right Now!!!

I got an email on Facebook from my cousin Rhett a couple of weeks ago and I was really excited to get an email from him. But, when I read it he made me very upset. He told me to delete one of my photos that I took at his wedding reception back in December 2012. He said that the people in the picture wasn't ready and he didn't want people to think that his wedding as a joke. Are you fucking shitty me? He liked my pictures when I first posted them on Facebook and now he doesn't. What the Hell is up with that? I don't fucking get it. Why in the Hell did he wait almost 2 years to tell me to delete one of my photos? He should of talked with me about it right after I posted them. Not 2 years later. But, if he asked me to delete the picture when I first posted them I still wouldn't delete the picture. 

I wasn't their photographer and I took pictures at their wedding reception for fun and for my wedding present to them. I was taking that picture from the side and their were other people there taking pictures of them. So, they were looking at someone else and not me. The only person who looked at me in the picture is my cousin Auburn. They did look at me in the next picture that I took of them. My style of photography is candid photography.

I went to the album on Facebook that their wedding reception pictures are in and the picture they wanted me to delete a lot of my friends and family liked the picture. A lot of them also commented on the picture as well. I was just going to untag Rhett and his wife in the picture but I guess they already untagged themselves. Well, I didn't delete the picture because I like the picture and I'm not going to delete the picture because someone doesn't like it. So, what I did was delete the message that Rhett sent to me instead. I'm sorry Rhett but I'm not going to delete a picture that you don't like. That is your problem because it's sure in Hell not my problem. :)

I am really getting sick and tired of people disrespecting me on Facebook and telling me to delete stuff that they don't like!!! And for telling me what I can and can not do!!! I don't tell my friends or family to delete pictures or update status that I don't like because I respect all of my friends and family. So, I am done with people who disrespect me, who use me, who walk all over me. I am putting my foot down and I'm not going to take people's bullshit anymore. I am done with my rant and have a great weekend my friends and family!!! :)

Day 7. I Am Thankful For...My Photography Clients

Day 7. Today I am thankful for my photography clients especially Stars Of Unique, Miss Crystal's Preschool, Candice Jewkes, Cristy Carpenter Altheman, Auburn McDermott Clawson, Ashtyn Saunders, McKenzie Papenfuss, Heidi Swartz Casson, Malou Thornell and so many more. I have had a great time taking their pictures and their pictures are some of my favorite pictures that I have taken. My clients mean the world to me and I love them dearly. I LOVE being a photographer more than anything!! Being a photographer is my passion and I was born to be a photographer! I wouldn't change it for the world!!! My clients are the best and I am very thankful for them!!! Have a great weekend my friends and family!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 6. I Am Thankful For...Cousins

Day 6. Today I am thankful for my cousins and my second cousins. I love them to pieces and they mean the world to me. I have a great relationship will all my cousins and we are all great friends too. We try and get together through out the year for a cousin get together by going out to dinner. I get together with some of my cousins to celebrate their birthdays and we also give each other Christmas presents every year. A lot of my cousins are my best friends and are like sisters to me especially Kassidy Osborn Williamson, Kelsi Osborn Simpson, Kristyn Robyn Osborn, Karli Piennette and Amber McDermott Peterson to name a few. I love my cousins Clay Osborn, Lindsey McDermott Stewart, Taryn Christensen, Whitney McDermott Wilding, Marette McDermott, Rourke McDermott, Lauren McDermott, Auburn McDermott Clawson, Ashtyn Saunders, Ramsi Nia Knowlton-Stoker, Branigan Knowlton, Tanner Snow, Brady Snow, Kait Snow, Dylan Snow, Luke McDermott Jr., BreeAnn Fankhauser, Rylee McDermott, Roury McDermott, Bethanie Garrison, Sheradyn Parker, Lleyton Parker, Lawsen Parker, Mariah McDermott, Heather TheJedi McDermott, Hunter McDermott, Stuart Coombs, John Coombs, Hayley Coombs, McKenzie Papenfuss, Garrison Shaw, Maggie Jeanne Shaw, Lisa Murphy, Kris Murphy, Sheena Brimley Vierra, Sean Wayne Brimley, Carson Brimley, Kade Cannon, Liz Cannon, Karlee Slemboski, Whitney Tuckfield, Kylee Tuckfield, Josh Ericson, Shantelle Brewer Ericson, Rachael Ericson, Clara Elnicky, Marissa Bracken and so many more amazing cousins. I have the best cousins in the whole wide world and I am very thankful for them. Have a great evening my friends and family!! :)

Day 5. I Am Thankful For...My Friends and Best Friends

Day 5. Today I am thankful for my friends and for my Best Friends Cristy Carpenter Altheman, Rebecca Marcario, Maggie Hartog Stauffer, Candice Jewkes and Julianne Gardiner McDonald. They are the best friends a girl could ask for. I love them to pieces and they mean the world to me. I think of them as my sisters as well as my friends. We have been through a lot together, have had a lot of great laughs, have made a lot of great memories and we have been there for each other through thick and thin. Have a great night my friends and family!

Day 4. I Am Thankful For...Modern Medicine and My Doctors

Day 4. Today I am thankful for modern medicine and my doctors. Last Tuesday I started getting sick with a sinus infection and bronchitis. I got in to see my doctor two days after I was getting sick and got me some antibiotics and pain killers to help me feel better. I am very thankful and grateful for the medicines that I take especially my pain killers to help me feel better when I am in a lot of pain. Have a great day my friends and family!!

Days 1,2 and 3. I Am Thankful For...My Family

Hey there friends and family! I've decided to do the I am thankful for the month of November. I am a couple of days late so here are days 1, 2 and 3.
Day 1. I am thankful for my parents Wynn C Garrison and Rebecca McDermott. I love them to death and they mean the world to me. I appreciate all that they do.
Day 2. I am thankful for my nieces Rylee and Alyssa Garrison. I love being their aunt and they are the best nieces an aunt could ask for. I love them to death and they are my whole world.
Day 3. I am thankful for my brother Tyler Garrison. He's the best big brother a sister could ask for even though he likes to scare the shit out of me. He is the best Dad ever to his girls Rylee and Alyssa Garrison. And I love him to pieces.